Tuesday, January 4, 2011


so i was particularly inspired today and made my own inspiration board, full of pictures of inspiring people, knitted items as well as gorgeous jewelry from anthropologie and free people.

some of the images from my board:

my ultimate inspiration

so beautiful. i will forever aspire to be her

i will ALWAYS be obsessed with him.

so sorry i haven't blogged in 3 days.
it's been full of partying and seeing people i haven't seen in ages.
i plan on just relaxing and doing some much needed "housekeeping" today.
focusing on me and a few minor upkeep things i need to do for myself.
my diet HAS SUCKED the past couple of days but it's changing today. no excuses.

so i'm just watching antm now and waiting to get some motivation to do anything.
ugh. i have to do my nails, wash my sheets, get a load of laundry together and tidy my room.

so i leave you with the picture of the day:

Saturday, January 1, 2011

if i could marry this man i would die happy.

today is the new year.
and already part of my resolution is coming true.
kevin's texting me. i think it's a good sign.

i want to make a list of things to do tomorrow:
clean room
fix nails
wash sheets
watch sex and the city
make some tea
drink 8 glasses of water
less than 1000 calories

Friday, December 31, 2010

here's to the new year.

so 2011 is upon us. weird to think this is the year that will make me a "real" adult. bringing me in to my 21st year, which can only lead me to more trouble than i already get in.

i always do resolutions and only stick with half of them. so here are a few cliche'd ones and some truly meaningful ones for me.

1. lose weight and stick to the diet that you come up with
2. become better friends with the other girls/boys in the dorm
3. become close with kevin (date?)
4. find yourself happy and healthy by the end of 2011
5. go out and have fun at least 1x a week
6. save money when possible
7. find another good guy friend like brian
8. find a good boyfriend
9. update this blog daily if not every other day
10. become more creative.
11. really complete 101 in 1001

Thursday, December 30, 2010

101 in a 1001

if you haven't heard about this, it's essentially where you list 101 things,tasks,items you would like to complete in 1001 days. i'm offically starting january 1st but i figured i'd list everything today.
in process

1. lose 50 pounds and maintain that weight (110lbs) (0/50 lbs)
2. find a boy who can make me incredibly happy
3. buy an expensive bag, and not apologize for it.
4. find a job that i love
5. move out of the house
6. consider seeing a therapist
7. read one book on andy warhol, edie sedgewick, jim morrison, the rolling stones, led zeppelin, the beatles (0/6)
8. read 100 books (0/100)
9. go vegetarian
10. become a person who enjoys going to the gym, by going to the gym for 14 days straight (0/14)
11. become a more patient, kinder, calmer, gentler person
12. practice yoga
13. go through ipod and delete all songs you don't listen to
14. download songs you've been wanting to download
15. try and focus on becoming a more organized person
16. write in a journal daily (or every other day) for 3 months straight (0/3)
17. learn the tarot
18. see a palm reader
19. see laura to figure out what i need to do
20. buy a astrology book and study it
21. really start becoming less materialistic
22. get another piercing
23. drink tea
24. for 1 week try to not care about what people think about you (0/7)
25. for 1 month (31 days) BE YOURSELF (ie: do what you want, wear what you want, be who you want to be) (0/31)
26. drink real coffee (not from starbucks)
27. save $1,000 to treat myself with (0/1,000)
28. do something new, meet someone new, or go somewhere new every week for a year. (0/52)
29. take a picture every day for ninety days. (0/90)
30. find that yellow bird
31. get a henna tattoo
32. draw/ doodle and complete yellow book
33. buy one piece of jewelry or clothing by a designer you like
34. find something to collect
35. grow hair down to waist
36. dye hair really dark
37. dye hair really light
38. get highlights by a professional
39. create a numerology chart
40. make peace with myself and forgive others
41. buy a pet of my own, and care for it myself
42. read skinny bitch
43. cut out soda for 31 days straight (0/31)
44. try and finish a book a month for a year (0/12)
45. try to go to one concert a year (0/2)
46. organize my room and maintain it for 31 days straight (0/31)
47. create a crafting space for myself
48. finish all those knitting projects you have laying around
49. find out more about something/someone your really interested in.
50. buy some spirituality books
51. buy a record and a record player
52. tone up my body
53. write a nice letter to myself and re read it every few months
54. write down my dreams for 14 days straight (0/14)

55. start blogging about fashion, knitting, things that interest me
56. post details about every week for a year. (0/52)
57. post what i am thankful for every week for a year. (0/52)
58. post about every completed goal. (1/101)
59. post pretty quotes and pictures on here

60. visit WEBS
61. design a pattern
62. actually start using ravelry
63. knit a tank top
64. knit a sweater
65. knit a coat
66. learn cables
67. learn new 12 beading techniques (0/12)
68. try knitting with wire
69. do a lace work piece
70. knit a blanket
71. learn to crochet
72. knit a pair of socks
73. embroider 12 items (0/12)
74. sew a dress
75. sew a pillow and embroider it
76. finish a knitting project a month for one year (0/12)
77. learn color-work
78. knit for a friend without a reason

79. have a 3.5 gpa
80. become better friends with more people in the dorm
81. study aboard
82. do like you did in your child development class and become friends with everyone
83. make some new good friends
84. try to finish projects and papers early, rather than the night before (do this with at least 3 papers) (0/3)
85. get bachelor's degree
86. start master's
87. get straight a's
88. make dean's list at least once

89. visit london
90. visit paris
91. ride a train
92. visit new york city
93. visit jim morrison's grave
94. go to california and lay on venice beach
95. get a passport
96. go on a road trip across the country
97. visit canada
98. go to boston
99. go on a trip by myself
100. visit a island
101. visit the cape by myself

start: january 1st, 2011
end: september 29, 2013

about this.

it isn't my first blog. actually i have had several over the years. but since 2011 starts sooner than i thought i figured this would be a wonderful idea. to blog and chronicle my life. in 2011. since 2010 was a year of learning about myself, who i am, who i want to become, what i'm capable of and making mistakes with boys i can see what 2011 needs to become. and the only one who can do this, is me.

well here's the girl you'll be reading about. i'm not really a "camera" person, i feel as if i'm not terribly photogenic but you all deserve to know who your reading about. so here i am in all my glory today:

believe it or not i'm ready to head back to school. i go to university and i'm in my junior year. i live in a small town in connecticut, which i have an ongoing love/hate relationship with. i have some of the best friends i could ask for, but unfortunately for me, the closest friends are a good 30 minutes away and my best friends are an hour away. hence why i'm ready to head back to school! all i have to do is shout across the room to my wonderful roommate and best friend andrea or shout down the hall to kait and meg.

this blog is about my inspirations, my life, what i do, random pictures and stories of night's past. i'm going to try and document my life as it comes. it's hard to say what will become of this, but one of my resolutions is to blog daily. just to get everything out there. i want to discover more about myself and change who i am. become the woman you want to be. thinking about that makes me think of one of my ultimate inspirations diane von furstenberg. i love her. she's tied with audrey hepburn, andy warhol and edie sedgewick as my ultimate inspirations.

i'll leave you a wish of mine: